We can make a difference in our students’ lives with your help!! PiELL is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit. Your gift is tax deductible to the full extent of the law allowed by the IRS.

Please help support our mission! Our financial needs are met from local donations and grants. Our funds pay for student and tutor materials, board and tutor insurance, various office necessities, costs of publishing a newsletter, and the salary of our part-time Program Coordinator.

$25provides 2 books for an English language learner per year
$50funds training for 2 new tutors
$100helps pay for advertising and community outreach to source tutors
$250partially funds our newsletter to communicate student progress
$425sponsors one English language learner for an entire year
$1000furnishes our library with 50 new books, CDs, and other materials

Using Paypal

Or mail a check to PiELL, 2036 Nevada City Highway, #387, Grass Valley, CA 95945

You might also consider in-kind gifts. PiELL can always use:

  • CD and cassette tape players, and hand held digital recorders
  • Internet ready laptop computer for students to use
  • A restaurant where once a year a % of meal purchases would be donated to PiELL
  • A quiet location where a tutor and student can study together
  • A printing company willing to donate printing services for our twice a year newsletter, promotional materials, or donation envelopes
  • Printer paper, ink, and stamps
Loyalty Programs

Another way to help is to participate in our SPD Community Card programs, where a percentage of your purchases is sent to PiELL.